Poverty and Economics: We’re in it Together

The governments and citizens of rich countries or those with older and well-established economies will say that they are held back in terms of economic progress, employment, and increasing their standard of living. While it feels like they struggle and debate solutions to these issues, I would like to highlight that this could be due to the fact that poverty exists throughout the world.

While poverty exists, I found that many people in these regions lived in good spirits. Truly inspiring to see them make the most of the life given to them.

Undeveloped Regions

I found in my travels that South America, Central America, and the continent of Africa were the most undeveloped with high poverty levels. With the economic activity and trade within these regions, it makes it difficult to increase the quality of life. International trade relations with developed countries would be a huge boost to support the economies of these regions.

If these areas of the world that are stricken with poverty were able to work with developed nations in a sense that boosts the economy, it would result in long-term relationships and solutions that could help bring up that standard of living. By fostering these relationships, rich countries would be investing in a long-term boost to their own economy by expanding the scope of their economic endeavours.

Poverty Solutions as an Idividual

This post has focused on thoughts on a grander, globalized scale. However, personally, there are individual efforts that are very much so achievable to help alleviate the poverty in these regions in the long run. It starts with thinking this:

Poverty is a standard of living not a way of life.

Through charitable programs such as The World Vision Ambassador Program, I hope to start chipping away at the poverty people face every day. Let me explain in one word why the program above is one so close to my heart. Education.

The Ambassador Program not only aims to alleviate poverty in regions by supplying the necessities people need to live, such as good sources of food, clean water, safe infrastructure, it also focuses on providing proper education to children in these regions who would otherwise never have access to it. It is my true belief that education is the solution to poverty. An educated child is given the chance to grow up and pursue a passion or career that can’t help but benefit their country. Whether it is a better understanding of medicine, agriculture, or engineering, they are able to take what they learn through education and use it to better their community.


By sponsoring children through this program, I want to give them a chance to change their way of life for the better and leave an everlasting impact on their community. I encourage you to explore what you can to support charitable causes you believe in. The rewards are truly immeasurable.

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